Kamis, 04 Juli 2019

Computer Virus

Computer viruses are programs / applications that can replicate themselves and spread by inserting themselves into programs and other data. Usually the user does not understand if the computer that is his property contracted the virus until one of the data is lost or the program on the computer cannot be run.
computer viruses are generally made for purposes that are not good, many negative effects caused by computer viruses such as multiplying itself so that memory becomes small, this makes the computer often hang or freeze, then change the extension to files and programs that make programs / files it cannot be used, and can also steal someone's personal data without the person's knowledge. besides that the virus can damage the hardware on the computer.
In fact, almost 95% of viruses attack users of the Windows operating system. The rest attack Linux / GNU, Mac, FreeBSD, IBM OS / 2, and Sun Operating System.

Types of viruses on computer

  • Worm - Duplicates itself on the hard disk. This makes computer resources (Harddisk) become full of the worm.
  • Trojan - Retrieves data on an infected computer and sends it to the trojan maker itself.
  • Backdoor - Almost the same as a trojan. However, the backdoor usually resembles files that are fine. For example games.

  • Spyware - Viruses that monitor infected computers.
  • Rogue - is a program that mimics antivirus programs and displays normal antivirus-like activities, and gives false warnings about viruses. The goal is that users buy and activate the fake antivirus program and bring money to the makers of the rogue virus. Also rogue can open a security gap in the computer to bring in another virus. Rootkits - Viruses that work like ordinary computer systems work.
  • Polymorphic virus - Virus that likes to change so that it cannot be detected.

  • Metamorphic virus - Virus that changes its own coding to make it more difficult to detect.
  • Cellphone viruses - Viruses that run on cellular phones, and can cause a variety of effects, ranging from damaging cell phones, stealing data in cell phones, to making silent calls and spending pulses of cell phone users.


  • Shortcut.exe virus 
a virus that changes program extensions or files into shortcuts. this causes the documents or programs that we want to use cannot be accessed.

  • Virus: Trojan.LodearTrojan Horse attacks when we download data from the internet.
  • Virus: W32.Beagle.CO@mm

It is a virus that sends mass e-mails to sites that have a low level of security.

  • Virus: Backdoor.Zagaban

This trojan virus injects certain computers to be used as a shelter to damage the network or related network.

  • Virus: W32 / Netsky-P

This virus is capable of spreading bulk email by itself to email addresses produced by a file on a PC / local drive.

  • Virus: W32 / Mytob-GH

The virus is a bulk email spreader and is a Trojan for IRC on Windows-based computers.

  • Virus: Zafi-D

Is a mass e-mail and peer-to-peer virus that copies itself to the Windows system folder with the nortonupdate file name. exe.

question and answer.
1. What is a W32 / Dialer virus. What is the BCPB virus?
I don't remember various names of viruses, but if I look at it from my own name, I think this is a virus associated with programs that dial pornographic hot-lines that are usually installed automatically when downloading the "crack" program on a website like .

2. What is the W4R3Z number?
Number W4R3Z is a term that refers to the word "no warez". Warez itself has referred to primarily to copyrighted material traded in violation of copyright law or simply refers to "pirated software". The terminology of warehousing refers to the understanding that there should be no discussion or dissemination of illegal files.

3. How can I install NIDS? Is NIDS compatible with Norman or other antiviruses?
I again assume that what is meant by multiple partners with NIDS is the Network Intrusion Detection System, not the Network Driver Interface Specification. Unlike viruses that are tasked with fighting malware programs, NIDS functions to prevent intrusion from people who do not have access to a network. Thus the function of antivirus and NIDS is simple so that it doesn't have a problem when installed together. It is necessary to know that NIDS is usually installed on a server on a network, rarely do I find anyone installing NIDS on a PC / Laptop that is stand alone.
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